Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Vegan Kind #TVK25

This month The Vegan Kind celebrated their 2nd Birthday and to mark the ocassion they sent out the most amazing anniversary box full of goodies to all of their subscribers. 

I'd seen a lot of hype on social media about this box before I got my hands on my own and I am pleased to say that when I opened it the contents more than lived up to my expectations. 

I always love to see vegan chocolate included in these boxes and this chunky bar of creamy chocolate with honeycomb on top did not disappoint. Made from pure rice milk, this would have to be one of the best dairy free milk chocolate bars I have tasted in quite a while. I loved the honeycomb topping which made it taste just like a Cadbury's Crunchie. I was also pleased to see that it was a decent full sized bar which made sharing it with my husband that little bit more bearable! 

I've been a big fan of Hurraw lip balms ever since using their sun protection balm on holiday which I  absolutely loved. I did a little jump for joy when I saw they'd been included in this month's box as I had just been thinking about ordering another one of their balms for regular day time use. I probably wouldn't have picked the Chai Spice flavour myself but it's actually refreshingly different. With a blend of black pepper, cinnamon, clove and vanilla it is certainly spicy but also very fitting for this time of year. My lips have been really chapped since the change of seasons and this balm is so moisturising and soft, it's really helped to make a difference to the condition of my lips. 

I couldn't quite believe my eyes when I saw the size of the 135g bag of crisps included in this box. I wouldn't have even thought a sharing bag of this size could fit inside a TVK box but i'm so happy it did! I've always loved Ten Acre's hand cooked crisps but cheese & onion is actually one flavour that I hadn't tried before now. These crisps were the first item to get demolished and they were so incredibly tasty. It's hard to believe such great flavoured cheese & onion crisps could be vegan friendly! It's also great to see Ten Acre releasing larger sized sharing bags because the small ones are never enough. One word for Ten Acre - AWESOME.

So there wasn't just one full sized chocolate bar included in TVK25, there were two! Oh TVK - how you spoil us! And our waistlines! I wasn't sure anything could beat the Cocoa Libre honeycomb sensation that I tried before this one, but this choco cookie bar certainly gives it a run for its money. I love the combination of the smooth rice milk chocolate with the crunch of the dark cocoa biscuity centre. It's really different to any other chocolate that i've tried before and it definitely had me coming back for more. Finally i've found a vegan chocolate that is actually more-ish! Hoorah! 

Included in TVK25 were not one, not two, but three of these tasty quinoa meals from Quinola Mothergrain. Although the packets say 'kids' on the front they're really great for children and adults alike and can be enjoyed either as a lunch or a meal. It's always great to see healthy vegan convenience food like this which can be ready in just 30 seconds. The handy little packets mean that you could carry them around easily in your bag to enjoy on your lunch break too. As well as being vegan friendly they are also gluten free and full of slow release carbs. Quinoa is also perfect for vegans because it's a complete protein containing lots of iron and fibre. With Thai, Tex Mex and Mediterranean flavoured Quinoa to try I can't wait to get stuck in! 

It was a nice touch the TVK team adding a personalised wrist band into their anniversary box. It's also a great way of spreading their message - Be Kind, Go Vegan. Personally I have to say that I have never really liked these rubber wrist bands but I can appreciate that they are generally for a very good cause. It's just not something I would choose to wear.

It was lovely to see that the chosen charity to receive 10p from every box this month is the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, particularly with it being November and bonfire night where so many small creatures are sadly harmed or killed. 

I would like to wish the TVK team a very Happy 2nd Birthday! And thank them for celebrating with us all by sending out a great anniversary box full of treats. I can't wait to see what our festive December boxes contain! Stay tuned....

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