Sunday, 30 September 2018

My Month In Photos | September 2018

Is it just me or has September just flown by!?? I honestly don't know where this month has gone but I will say that i'm very happy that Autumn is here and we're about to enter October because it really is my favourite time of the year. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

What I Eat On A Normal Day | Vegan

Welcome to my no thrills presentation of what I usually eat on a normal kind of day! I'll pre warn you - it's not hugely exciting or groundbreaking, but it is just a real representation of what every day eating looks like for me as a vegan. The other day I just decided to snap everything I ate in a day and well, here it is! 

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Hello Autumn

There's a change in the air and I can almost smell the arrival of Autumn. It's a time of year I honestly feel myself craving and after the intense Summer we've had I am more than ready for it. 


Friday, 14 September 2018

Wulf & Lamb | Vegan

It's another week, and another vegan burger making an appearance on this blog. What can I say? I  appear to have a growing obsession for trying all the vegan burgers London has to offer and I can't see it stopping anytime soon! This week I happened to be in Chelsea for a skincare event and it presented itself as the perfect opportunity to make a long overdue visit to Wulf & Lamb which has been on my hit list since January of this year. So yes, it's only taken me nine months to get myself there! I guess that's a testament to how spoilt for choice we are for vegan food in London right now.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

South of France | Travel With Dogs

Last week my husband and I, and my Mum, and our combined 5 dogs, took a trip down to the South of France that I have wanted to do for such a long time. Ever since having dogs I’ve really wanted to take them on a trip abroad and France has always seemed like the perfect option. 

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