Tuesday, 12 July 2016

What I Eat In A Day - Vegan

I've wanted to write a 'What I Eat In A Day' blog post for some time now but I just haven't got around to it - until now that is! A lot of people often question what I eat on a daily basis as a vegan so I thought it would be a good idea to share with you all a very standard day for me and offer an idea of the regular meals and snacks that I enjoy in a daily basis. 

I should also just point out that this post was a very last minute decision so there are no fancy or hard to make meals featured. In fact, it's all pretty straight forward and easy going. I haven't pushed the boat out to impress anyone or do anything fancy which you may or may not appreciate. This is just a simple documentation of what I ate last Tuesday which was a standard working from home day for me. 

I almost always opt for a slice of toast with jam, marmalade or marmite first thing in the morning which I love to wash down with a glass of cold orange juice. For me this is just a really quick and easy breakfast which actually does a pretty great job at keeping me on the go until lunch time. If it's the weekend I may branch out and make a smoothie/smoothie bowl, but nine times out of ten this is the breakfast that I stick to. As I type this I kind of feel a bit sad to not be showing off a fancy and colourful chia seed pudding jar or some homemade granola, but it also feels good to be keeping things real! 

Around mid morning, 10:30am - 11am, I normally feel the need for a little tea break and more often than not I will also grab a small bowl of grapes or a banana, but on this day I fancied a cup of green tea and a Tesco's Free From chocolate chip cookie

Lunch time is by far my favourite meal of the day and it's the time of day where I prefer to eat my main meal. I really don't like eating heavily in the evening and before bed time so I usually opt for a much smaller meal or snack in the evening. I am fortunate enough to work from home and that generally makes lunch a much easier task opposed to when I used to have to take a packed lunch off out with me. I am a creature of habit and every week I buy the same selection of food items which I can then enjoy all week for lunch. These items often include avocados (always!), falafels, hummus, salad, beetroot, pitta breads and microwave quinoa. On this day I enjoyed an avocado and falafel pitta with quinoa and a side of salad. I absolutely love this lunch! And I also never seem to get tired of it. A close second to this would be avo on toast. 

My mid afternoon tea break around 3pm will almost always be accompanied by some kind of vegan friendly snack like a nakd bar, cereal bar or, like on this day, I was lucky enough to have a cocoa coconut Trek bar in the cupboard. 

As I mentioned earlier, I don't usually tend to eat a great deal in the evening. I used to suffer with IBS before going veggie & vegan and I got into the habit of not eating late in the day as this would usually end up keeping me awake all night. Even though my IBS has thankfully cleared up (I think going veggie was a huge factor in this by the way), I still like to avoid eating heavily in the evening. My husband however is always hungry for another big meal by 6pm so I often either have a small portion of whatever he makes, or I just make myself a small snack which could be a salad, crumpets, beans on toast or, if i'm feeling really lazy, I may opt for a tin of soup or pot noodle type product. 

On this particular day we decided to make a homemade vegan pizza as we had all the ingredients we needed in the cupboard. Again, if you buy the ready made Napolina pizza bases from the supermarket, this is another quick and easy vegan meal. We simply just add some tomato puree / chopped tomatoes to the base along with all our favourite vegetables and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes. 

After dinner, and when we come home from our evening dog walk, we really fancy ice lollies lately due to the warm Summer weather. My favourite ice lollies of the moment are the bargain £1 box from Tesco's which include cherryade, lemonade and cola flavours. These are so yummy and low in calories. If we are being naughty we may go for a vegan ice cream instead! 

So as you can see, eating vegan doesn't have to be hard work, expensive or a inconvenience. In fact eating vegan at home is absolutely no issue at all. The supermarkets have a great selection of products available now to cater for vegans which helps to make life easier.  

Reflecting on this post I feel astounded that I did not eat any fruit which is really unlike me. But it also just goes to show that when you document your food it does make you realise what you maybe need to improve on in terms of your diet. 

I think what I eat in the day also depends on the time of year so I'm looking forward to featuring more posts of this kind as and when the seasons change. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post and if you found it helpful. I'd also like to know your thoughts and opinions on what I tend to eat in a day and if you found any of my choices surprising at all! Do comment below and let me know! 
* This post is in no way sponsored. All products featured within the post were purchased by myself. It just happened to be a Tesco weekly shop week. 


  1. Your lunch looks incredible. I'm definitely having that for my lunch today haha.

    Loved this post. Shows how's versatile and different vegan food can be and how easy of a lifestyle it is to adapt too!!


    1. Thanks so much for reading & commenting Amanda! Glad you enjoyed this post. xx

  2. Those pittas look SO yum! I had no idea they were vegan. Totally need to find some of these now :D

    1. Yep they're really nice! Although be careful when buying pitta's as some annoyingly contain milk :-/ xx

  3. Had a homemade pizza with this base yesterday, they're so quick and easy and soo good as well! Your lunch looks amazing, I need to recreate this soon! :) x


    1. Ahh thank you Conny for your comment :-) You can't beat a homemade pizza! x

  4. I LOVED this post & would love to see more of them! If I'm ever in a bit of a panic over what to eat for dinner I sometimes scroll through your Instagram for ideas. I love how real and honest you are about your meals as a lot of people make veganism look really intimidating and complicated!

    Lauren xx

    1. Thank you Lauren! That's good to hear. I should do them more often! Instagram is great for some vegan food inspo, sometimes I just search #vegandinner #veganlunch for ideas on there. I'm definitely not someone to make veganism look like a chore and I like a quick and easy solution to meals most of the time so I don't get around to doing fancy things all the time! x

  5. thank you for the inspiration, and most of all: for keeping it real. your lunch and dinner looked absolutely stunning! and snacking is after all - very important as well ;) have a lovely day!

    1. Thanks Lisi! You gotta keep things real right!? Thanks for reading xx

  6. Loved this post, please do some more. We need more blogs like this when you show normal everyday foods that anyone can achieve.

    1. Ahh thank you, I will definitely do them more often! :-)

  7. I love how organised you are with two tea breaks! I might start taking more conscious breaks at work, to break up the day. You can't beat a slice or two of toast with some sort of jam or spread for breakfast...I usually have strawberry jam, and I'll sprinkle some chia seeds on top for an extra crunch and a boost of protein. Can't believe how cheap that box of lollies is! xx

    1. Haha Nadia! You gotta get those tea breaks in :-) Tbh I like eating little and often and find that it helps my metabolism. Ooh I've never thought of sprinkling chia seeds on my toast, might have to try that one! xx

  8. All looks pretty yummy! I've never really thought about going veggie or vegan (I don't eat a lot of meat tho tbh) & this post has shown how easy it could be to do a couple of days a week if you had doubts about going the whole way.
    Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. I can't recommend it enough Emma! A lot of bloggers and people can make it look like a really challenging life choice but its really not. If you love animals and feel compassion towards them you should defo consider going veggie and then maybe progressing to veganism later on. Thanks for reading :-) xx

  9. Thank you for this. After your guest post (and now this), I feel better about trying to go vegan. Please do more posts and help me take the plunge this year!

    1. I most certainly will Tara! Thanks for reading & commenting and I will of course be on hand to help when you take the plunge into veganism :-) xx


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