Monday, 31 October 2016

Halloween Photo Booth Fun!

As many of you will already know, I have gone a little crazy this year with buying Autumn & Halloween accessories and homeware. It's almost felt like an addiction! I never usually decorate my home for Autumn or Halloween and the idea of doing so only came to me after exploring my local Home Sense and feeling inspired by the new season and all of their gorgeous products. 

Sunday, 30 October 2016

October Life


I have to say that i've been feeling pretty tired this month probably because it's felt like we've been a bit non stop! October has felt both busy and fun as my diary has been pretty full. I have loved October and the change in the seasons, I just wish that it had been a bit colder! That being said it has still been suitable to wear my wooly hats and to dress for Autumn, although some days this has left me feeling a little hot and bothered at times. I have felt really inspired by the new season and consequently I have loved taking lots of photographs and it's been fun to plan my blog posts and vlogs around an Autumnal and Halloween theme. 


Thursday, 27 October 2016

Vegan Treats For Halloween

With Halloween only a few days away I thought I would put together a list of my favourite vegan friendly sweet treats for Halloween! 

Thankfully there are already quite a few sweets that are accidentally vegan and easy to buy from your local supermarkets. This is by no means the full list and I am sure you may all have some more to add to this list, but these are some of my own personal favourites. It's also a great time of year to get creative in the kitchen and come up with some of your own spooky treats! 

Banana Ghosts with dark choc chip eyes

Nectarine pumpkins with cucumber stick stalks

With all this to choose from the only difficult decision you'll have to make is whether you'll be sharing with the Trick or Treaters or hiding away and keeping your treats for yourself!

What are your favourite Halloween sweets? 

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Things I've Learnt From Blogging This Year

Over the past couple of months I've really been reflecting on what a positive year 2016 has been for my blog and my personal development within providing regular creative content. 


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Dogs Dress Up For Halloween

When I spotted some pet Halloween accessories in B&M Stores I couldn't resist picking up a few bits for my four legged friends. My Mum was also staying with us with her two dogs and so we also couldn't resist the opportunity of having them altogether for a Halloween themed photoshoot!

This post is in essence the results of that photoshoot so I hope you all enjoy browsing my favourite photos from the selection. We all had so much fun and plenty of giggles taking these photos and the dogs were so relaxed having their photos taken. I even managed a group shot at the end!  

Bappy & FiFi

Bappy, Queenie & Zen




Suki & Zen


Suki & FiFi




The whole gang! Suki, Bappy, FiFi, Zen & Queenie

Whose look did you like the best!? 

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Lush Halloween 2016 Haul

So you've probably already heard about Lush's 2016 Halloween releases that everyone has been talking about over the few couple of weeks? If not where have you been!? And how did you miss this!? 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Autumn Makeup Look

This month vegan friendly and cruelty free cosmetics brand Arbonne got in touch with me to see if I would like to try out any of their makeup items. Having only ever tried their skincare in the past I was interested to find out what their makeup is like and it also gave me the idea to create a Autumn makeup look for my blog.


Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Vegan Halloween Cupcakes

With Halloween coming up this month I thought it would be fun to bake up some spooky cupcakes and share the recipe with you all on my blog. I never normally enjoy baking during the Summer months so I was really looking forward to putting my apron back on and getting back into the kitchen. 


Friday, 7 October 2016

Pumpkin Picking at Cammas Hall

This October I couldn't wait to take myself off for some pumpkin picking fun and after many recommendations I decided that Cammas Hall in Essex was the best location for us to visit. Having lived in Essex for over 20 years I was surprised to have never visited this farm before and I was really looking forward to seeing what was on offer. 


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Manfrotto Blogger Master Class

This week I was fortunate enough to be invited along to the #BlogManfrotto event at Lumiere London. When I first heard about the event I was really excited because primarily I love anything related to photography, but also because last Christmas my husband had bought me a few products from the Manfrotto range and they have proved to be indispensable to me this year. 

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