Wednesday, 30 November 2016

November Life


I've actually been feeling pretty busy and positive this month and although the last few weeks seem to have flown by, it has also felt like quite a long month. We started our new gym routine which I think has really helped to boost my mood and I have found myself feeling more less guilty regarding food and more energetic which is great. Working out has definitely had a positive impact on both my mental and physical health and i've been feeling good that i've managed to go at least 3 times a week every week since we started.  


Tuesday, 29 November 2016

My Perfect Vegan Christmas Dinner

With Christmas less than a month away it's time to get thinking about your all important Christmas Day dinner. Ever since becoming vegan Christmas dinner has become a much easier task to complete as it doesn't involve roasting a turkey, or any meat for that matter. In fact it's not really too dissimilar from a regular Sunday roast for us, just with a few special extras thrown in. As well as being a cruelty free meal, it's also become a lot cheaper to make. 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Winter Dates For Your Diary

I've recently noticed a whole host of wonderful vegan events planned over the festive and Winter period and I thought it would be worthwhile for me to compile a list of all of the upcoming events over the next couple of months. 


Wednesday, 23 November 2016


On Sunday my husband and I organised a little day out to Notting Hill in London as we had tickets to see Louis Theroux's 'My Scientology Movie' at the Electric Cinema. This isn't really an area of London I visit very often so I did a little research online to see where we could get some lunch. 

One place which really stood out to me was the plant based restaurant Farmacy. I soon recalled that this is somewhere i've heard people talking about in the past, along with top vegan vlogger Niomi Smart. I read some mixed reviews with some saying it was home to incredible vegan offerings and others saying it's a bit pretentious, pricey and full of beautiful people. The Guardian even went as far as to call the food "bullshit'! 

I have to say that curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to find out for myself what all the fuss is about! Thankfully on Sunday morning at around 11am we didn't have to wait for a table for two but larger groups were less fortunate. FYI Farmacy do not take bookings and works on a first come first served basis. 

My first impressions were pretty good. I really like the concept of the restaurant and that it actually looks like a pharmacy from the outside. I mean seriously I had to look at the outside a couple of times before confirming to myself that it was indeed the restaurant I was looking for and not an actual pharmacy. 

The ethos behind the restaurant is one of 'clean indulgence'. They believe that certain 'clean eating' and a particular diet can act as a medicine for the body. I have read countless articles which support the idea that natural food and plants in particular can have healing properties for our bodies so I don't really need any convincing on this, as a vegan I am already on board with these ideas. But just to clarify, Farmacy cater for vegetarians, vegans, the dairy free and their food doesn't contain any nasties like refined sugars, additives and chemicals. 

Once inside I found the overall atmosphere and appearance of the restaurant really elegant and classy. There was certainly an air of clean living about the place. The staff were also super friendly and attentive. So far so good. 

Due to the time of our arrival we were presented with the brunch menu which I had already eyed up online and narrowed down my options to either the vegan friendly 'House Pancakes' (which really did sound great with their accompanying coconut yoghurt, fresh fruit and chia berry jam) or the 'English Breakfast' minus the eggs. I generally always have the battle of sweet vs savoury when it comes to breakfast and brunch but on this occasion savoury won the battle and I settled for a 'London Sunset' smoothie to give me my sweet fix.  

When our English breakfasts arrived (yes my husband chose exactly the same as me and we also added on a side of fries!) my first thought was 'oh, is that it?'. I mean it looked very appetising, but there just wasn't enough of it. And I guess for the £14.00 price tag I was expecting a little more.

Once I got stuck into the brunch I found myself continually picking up the salt and pepper as it really seemed to lack any flavour. The homemade baked beans looked like the Heinz ones I am more used to but they tasted really bland in comparison. This does make me wonder what's included in my usual baked beans to make them taste so good but I don't think i'll be swapping them for this kind any time soon. They were quite unappetising. 

The other disappointing factor was that the avocado wasn't ripe and ready to be eaten. It was still quite firm and lacked it's usual appealing flavour and texture. 

Would it make me a bad vegan to say the best thing about this meal were the chips!? Considering how bland and 'clean' everything else was I am surprised that they even serve chips, let alone tasty ones like these.  

When our £44 bill arrived at our table I wasn't surprised by the figure but I knew that what we had just ate wasn't worth even half of that. I've had significantly better breakfasts before for a quarter of the price of this so I couldn't help but feel disappointed. 

Vegan and plant based food can be extremely tasty, delicious and filling so I can't help but feel that Farmacy is giving my diet a bad name. Let's just say I definitely wouldn't consider taking any friends and family there to try to convince them that vegan food is good. If anything I feel that they are feeding into the stereotype that all meat free food is unsatisfying.  

Aside from the ambience and decor, I felt let down by our overall experience, but again, i'm not surprised!

Have you visited Farmacy before? What did you think?  

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

DIY PomPom Christmas Wreath

I really love to make handmade things, especially at Christmas time. Whether it be for myself or gifts for others, it's a time of year I really enjoy being creative.  

Friday, 18 November 2016

His & Hers Christmas Gift Guide

As I write this blog post there are only about 6 weeks left until Christmas which means now is the time for getting your shopping done and buying all your gifts! Unless of course you are one of those who enjoys the pressure and stress of a last minute dash around the shops on Christmas Eve!? 


Wednesday, 16 November 2016

My Thoughts On Parent Companies

Yesterday morning whilst scrolling my Twitter feed I pretty soon became aware of the news that the much loved cruelty free makeup brand Too Faced has now been acquired by Estee Lauder in a reported 1.45 billion dollar deal. If you didn't already know Estee Lauder already own other cosmetic companies such as MAC and they're considered by many to be one of the worst and most unethical brands when it comes to animal testing. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

My Luxury Wish List

Do you ever have your eyes on certain high end and luxury items that you promise you'll treat yourself to once you have saved enough money or hit a particular milestone? I know I do and at the moment my wish list seems to be ever expanding! 

Thursday, 10 November 2016


Believe it or not, before last week I had never stepped foot across the border into Scotland. I used to think it was crazy that I hadn't been to every country in the UK, especially when I love to travel so much. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Advent Calendar Picks 2016

It's that time of the year again when most of us bloggers are wondering what advent calendar to get our hands on in time for December! And it's definitely proving to be a difficult decision this year as there seems to be more choice than ever. 

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