The lovely people from Dee's recently sent me over a packet of their leek & onion vegan sausages to try out and review on the blog. Although i've seen Dee's sausages advertised before I have never actually bought any myself as i've never really liked products that try to replicate meat. I was however willing to give these a try to see if I could be persuaded!
I think the thing that has appealed to me the most about these sausages is that they are primarily made from pea protein and beans which means that they are high in protein. As a vegan I can't help but be conscious about whether I am getting enough protein from what I eat and in my opinion these sausages are such a convenient way of doing so.
On tasting the sausages I was pleasantly surprised. Although they looked fairly meat like in their appearance they didn't remind me too much of meat in taste or texture. I really enjoyed the overall taste, particularly the herby and lightly spiced flavouring. I found that they worked great in little hotdog buns or alongside some mash potato and with tomato or brown sauce.
At only 55 calories per sausage and low in saturated fat, these sausages are great if you are conscious about your weight and calorie intake too. They are also GMO & gluten free whilst being free from any artificial additives. Clearly these are a much healthier alternative compared to meat sausages and the great thing is they taste just as good.
There's no denying that these are really up there for me as far as vegan sausages go and would even be a contender to knock my previous favourite sausage off the top spot. I'm glad that I was open minded enough to give them a go and it just goes to prove that you don't really know what you like until you try something.
Ocado currently sell Dee's sausages at £3.90 a box which is slightly more expensive than regular meat sausages. Personally I am more than happy to pay more for a good quality product especially if it means an animal hasn't lost it's life to produce it.
I'm really pleased that I got to try out these sausages and I am definitely going to buy them again. I am also looking forward to trying other sausages from the award winning Dee's range including the roast garlic and mushroom variety.

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