Monday, 1 June 2015

The Konjac Sponge

I recently won an amazing competition through Cruelty Free International where I was sent a huge hamper of cruelty free goodies. Within this hamper happened to be a couple of Konjac sponges.

I have to say I haven't really paid much attention to Konjac sponges in the past, despite seeing them around in numerous health shops. I guess I am more of a flannel person than a sponge one! However, and that being said, I was actually really pleased to see them included within my prize as it was then the perfect opportunity to try them out for myself and see what all the fuss is about!

Since I have returned from Miami my sun tan has been fading fast and my skin has been getting increasingly more dry despite my daily exfoliating and moisturising. I decided that now was a better time than ever to crack open one of my sponges and start including it within my daily cleansing routine.

If you wasn't already aware then Konjac sponges are certified as vegan and cruelty free. They are handmade from 100% vegetable fibres, are naturally sustainable and kind to the environment as well as your skin.

The sponge I have been trying out has been the French Pink Clay Facial Puff which is ideal for people like me who have been exposed to weather extremes i.e a lot of sunshine! It is palm size so fits really nicely within your hand making it ideal for cleansing your face. The mineral rich pink clay has a softening effect on your skin and is believed to be able to help circulation whilst repairing any skin damage.

So far I have really enjoyed, and almost looked forward, to using my sponge every day! Maybe it's been a slight novelty for me as I don't ever use sponges, but it's really been quite a pleasurable experience. I love the feel of the sponge on my face and I do feel that it's giving me that extra cleanse and completely removed any remaining make up. You can use the sponge on its own without any other cleanser, however I have been using it after my initial night time cleansing and in the morning whilst I am in the shower. I also really love the gentle exfoliation sensation you get from the sponge and I have noticed how much softer and brighter my skin feels after using it.

From browsing the Konjac Sponge Co's website I am really excited to see that there are numerous other products within the range and I think I will definitely be purchasing the doggy sponge so that my chihuahuas can get in on the action too! We normally just wash them by hand in the bath and I can't believe that I haven't thought of even using a sponge on them until now!

So if you happen to be looking for a new, and perhaps eco friendly and ethical, sponge - I think Konjac will be perfect for you. And if like me you're new to the whole sponging experience then maybe give one a whirl and let me know what you think. I am sure you won't be disappointed!

Sarah x

1 comment

  1. I love my Konjac sponge and have just bought the bamboo charcoal one to try! Such a great idea and saves a lot of money on cleansers, too. xxx - natural beauty, affordable fashion, everyday life


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