Saturday 30 May 2015

Lush Bloggers Event

Last night I was fortunate enough to be invited along to a bloggers evening that Lush in Chelmsford were hosting in order to promote the 'magic' of their spa's and their new treatments. 

To be completely honest I didn't really know that Lush had any spa's or offered treatments so I was already really intrigued to learn more, after all I love a pamper session! Who doesn't!?

Beforehand I was a little bit nervous as I have never been to a bloggers event before and this was going to be the first time that I met my lovely online buddy, and fellow vegan, Bex Piper! She's a passionate vegan and cruelty free shopper so definitely check out her blog! It was thanks to Bex that I actually heard about this evening as she fortunately works in Lush and was one of the first to hear about it.

The evening started with some introductions, candy floss, green tea and a then an opportunity to explore the store and their products. It felt really special to be allowed into the store after hours and have it all to ourselves! It was a great opportunity to try out some products that I haven't fully checked out before and chat to some fellow bloggers along the way.

Once we had our little mooch around it was time to check out some of the specially laid out treatment stations around the store and indulge in a little pampering. First up I opted to go in for a treatment on my feet as they were feeling a bit dry. I was also really intrigued by the cute foot shaped 'Stepping Stone' foot scrub and was keen to test this out. 

It was so enjoyable having someone giving my feet a good rub with this product. Although my size 8 feet were a little too big for the pans of water! My feet felt much softer after and smelled amazing too! It's also great to know that this foot scrub is vegan friendly and it was definitely one I wanted to add to my shopping list. 

Next up it was time to enjoy some arm massages with the 'Peace' massage bar. I haven't used any of the Lush massage bars before so it was really good to see them in action and as they are meant to be used. The peace bar is inspired by one of Lush's signature spa treatments - Synaesthesia - and is intended to bring peace to those who use it. Again this product is vegan friendly! I just need to find someone who is willing to give me a massage! 

Whilst Bex enjoyed her arm massage it was really interesting to hear from Aly all about the new flagship store on Oxford Street in London and the spa area within this store. It sounds like absolute heaven and I can't wait to visit myself and hopefully book myself in for a full treatment. 

Before our time ran out Bex was lucky enough to enjoy a lovely facial by one of her colleagues whilst Aly told us more about the available spa treatments and their accompanying relaxing music, which is also available to buy in CD format from Lush. 

From what we were told it really does sound like the spa treatments are a completely amazing sensory experience and it's clear that so much thought has gone into every aspect of it making it completely unique. The newest treatment is called 'The Planets' which sounds completely stunning - a 3 hour full body massage, palm reading and facial - definitely one i'll be adding to my wish list! 

Before the end of the night we were lucky enough to get involved in the making of the 'Catastrophe Cosmetic' fresh face mask. I had my eye on this all evening as I am yet to try a Lush face mask and this was one that Bex personally recommended for vegans. 

It was so much fun seeing what goes into these face masks and watching one of the other bloggers stir the mixture of ingredients until it began to form itself into the face mask consistency. 

I love that this product uses wholesome blueberries as they are so rich in vitamins and antioxidents. 

It soon enough started to resemble a face mask and we were all lucky enough to all be given a sample pot to take home with us! I am already planning out my Sunday evening pamper session and looking forward to trying this out.

Once all of that was over we had a chance to purchase any products that we liked the look of. 

This 'Space Girl' vegan friendly bath bomb caught my eye with all of its sparkle and is one I haven't tried before so it was quickly added to my shopping basket! 

I also wanted to pick up one of the foot scrubs that had been demonstrated on me that evening. 

My haul was only small this time around as I currently have so many vegan and cruelty free cosmetics to try out at home! However, size isn't everything, and I know from what I picked up that I am in store for a seriously good pamper sesh at home! 

Overall it was a fab night and so great to be out meeting other fellow bloggers and online friends face to face in person! I feel so much more clued up now as to what Lush offer in terms of products and services and I really am excited to get myself down to one of the spa's. 

It was so awesome to get to chat to Bex about our vegan and cruelty free lifestyles and some of the hurdles that we face in every day life. When you are so passionate about certain lifestyle choices, as we both are, it really is refreshing and interesting to speak to a likeminded person who cares as much as you do. 

So hooray to meeting online friends! I am off out again tonight to another event where I shall be meeting even more of them. I am really putting myself out there this weekend and so happy that I finally am! 

Sarah x


1 comment

  1. What a fantastic event! I've read about the spa treatments and they sound so amazing, would love to get one :) Also definitely want to know your thoughts on Catastrophe Cosmetic ;)


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