Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Lush Christmas 2016

The Lush Christmas collection for 2016 has already been out in the shops for quite a while now and, if you ask me, I think they release these products far too close to the Halloween range. I hadn't even finished my October products and the Christmas ones were already in the shops! I also didn't want to rush my review so I have taken my time in deciding what to buy and enjoying using them before this post has gone live. 

Last year I was fortunate enough to receive Lush's 12 Days Of Christmas box as my advent surprise from my husband and this was a really great way of trying out lots of new products and items that I may not have usually chosen for myself. If you're new to Lush or already a big fan who needs to top up their collection, I would really recommend the 12 days box.

This year I have been keen to try some totally new Christmas products from Lush which in many ways made my decisions on what to buy a lot easier. As always I only select the vegan friendly Lush products but I was pleased to see again that the vast majority are suitable for vegans. 

In this review I share with you what I picked up and my thoughts on each product. 

Shoot For The Stars

I absolutely loved the look of this bath bomb and I was really drawn to it's bright blue colour and gold detailing. I'm usually a big fan of the bath bombs that turn your water blue so I was pretty sure that this was going to be a sure fire hit with me. 

Scent wise I didn't find this bath bomb too strong but I could definitely detect some citrus flavours and it just had that oh so familiar 'Lush smell' about it. 

I was really excited to see what this bath bomb did once I put it in the bath and it definitely didn't disappoint. Shoot For The Stars has the 'wow' factor that has me coming back to these bath bombs time and time again. I loved the deep blue colour it made my bath water and the sparkle from the stars was so pretty!

I don't think I realised beforehand just how glittery this bath bomb actually is. I usually tend to avoid the really glittery ones as I find that the glitter just hangs around for days after and manages to coat my entire bathroom. It also gets annoying when people ask you if you have glitter on your face a week later! That being said, I didn't find this one too much of a nightmare and if you can't embrace the sparkle at Christmas time then when can you!?   

I was so surprised by how moisturising this bath bomb actually was, my skin felt incredible after using it. I later found out that it contains cocoa butter and coconut oil and for me this worked on my skin much more like a bath melt than a bath bomb. 

I would definitely buy this bath bomb again and I think it would make a really great stocking filler for someone this Christmas. 

Rating - 9 / 10 

Never Mind The Ballistics

I was really intrigued by the pink creamy coating on this bath bomb which to hold in your hands felt like it was going to melt like chocolate! I really liked how it looked although I wouldn't say this was one of Lush's most festive creations. Pink and yellow don't really say 'Christmas' to me but I was still looking forward to using it. 

Smell wise it was a little bit too much on the sickly sweet side for me, it literally smelt like a bag of pick and mix! Some people love that kind of scent but i'm really not a fan. 

I have to be honest and say that I felt a bit underwhelmed by this bath bomb. I found it to be a real slow fizzer in the water and I wasn't keen on the yellowy / orange colour it made my bath water. The bath art also wasn't the best I have experienced so I am not sure I would buy this again. In comparison to Shoot For The Stars it really did feel like an anticlimax! 

Rating - 5 / 10

Northern Lights 

I think out of all my Lush Christmas purchases I was most excited to use Northern Lights. Firstly, I love the name! It reminded me of one Christmas about 8 years ago I spent in Iceland trying to find the Northern Lights and it bought back all sorts of happy memories for me. I also really like the unconventional shape of this bath bomb, it looks like a pill and is quite weighty.

Scent wise, this bath bomb smelt really relaxing to me which is probably due to the ylang ylang oil it contains. I really liked the smell because it was more floral than sweet and I could have soaked myself in it for hours.

Northern Lights puts on quite a special show when you add it to water and I love the vibrant blue, yellow, pink & purple colours. It did however turn the bath quite a strange murky dark greenish brown colour as soon as I got into the bath which was a real shame.  

Rating -  7 / 10

Peeping Santa 

I couldn't resist picking this little guy up and who can blame me!? I think he is definitely one of Lush's more festive looking creations this year. 

I don't usually buy the bubble bars because when it comes to using Lush products I am never too fussed about bubbles as I want to see what's going on in the water. If like me you don't usually use these, they work by crumbling a small amount of product under the running water. I quite like this because you don't have to use the whole product all at once and it lasts a bit longer. 

I was surprised to find that this bubble bar also turned my bath water orangey red as well as making lots of bubbles! It worked way better than I thought it would and I would definitely buy one of these again. I also loved the uplifting and fruity fragrance.

Rating - 8  / 10 

Out of all the products I purchased I was most impressed by Shoot For The Stars as it was an all round great festive bath bomb with the added bonus of being highly moisturising.

If I was to try a couple more products from this festive range I think I would probably choose The Magic Of Christmas bubble bar as it contains cinnamon so I am sure this one must really smell like Christmas.  I also quite liked the look of the Santa's Belly shower jelly so maybe I will treat myself again before Christmas!    

What have you enjoyed from Lush's Christmas collection this year?

Is there anything from Lush you'd like to find in your stocking on Christmas morning?

I'd love to hear so comment below and let me know!   


  1. Shoot for the stars is so great & the reason it felt more like a bath melt is because those stars are bath melts. I can't wait to use mine!

  2. Shoot for the stars looks awesome - as is your photography! xx

  3. This post has me so so excited because I'm due a Lush haul and I will definitely be picking up Shoot for the stars! I've used the Northen Lights bath bomb and absolutely loved it! Bath melts are just amazing too.. and the peeping Santa is adorable !

  4. I adore Lush all year around and even more so at Christmas time! Lovely to see which products you love babe. Thanks so much for sharing!

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x
    www.AlishaValerie.com | www.twitter.com/AlishaValerie


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