Tuesday, 5 December 2017

My Winter Bucket List

Ok so Winter doesn't officially begin until December 21st, but in my mind it kind of starts around about now! So I've been thinking a bit lately about what I want to do this Winter and what I hope to achieve. As the seasons change I think it's a great time to reflect and make some new goals, even if it is just things you hope to see and do. I also find that by adding it to a bucket list it gives me some added motivation to follow through with my plans!


I absolutely love to visit Brighton around my birthday and the lead up to Christmas, and in fact any time of the year! BUT there is something extra special about it at Christmas. I love their quirky Christmas lights and with the abundance of independent shops it makes a great place to get some Christmas shopping done.


Ever since my twenties I have wanted to go to Nobu restaurant for a special occasion but I have never been. I recently saw that they have some pretty good veggie and vegan dishes so this once again has ignited my desire to eat there. I turn 35 in a couple of weeks so this seems like the perfect excuse for a celebratory meal somewhere posh! 


I've been to Amsterdam a couple of times in my life, once when I was a kid and once when I was in my early twenties and decided it would be a good idea to eat a space cake which pretty much wiped out quite a lot of memories I made there! So I've been thinking this year it would be great to go back with Andy as he has never been and I'd like to have a more memorable experience as an adult. My birthday seemed like the perfect excuse for a mini get away!

London Christmas Lights

Ok, so I have partly completed this one already as I did go to London a couple of weeks back and saw some of the Christmas lights but I didn't go to Covent Garden which is just a must at Christmas time so this is still on my Winter bucket list! 

Ice Skating

It's not really Winter if you don't find yourself trying to make your way around an ice rink without breaking any bones is it? I mean it's not my favourite thing in the world to do, and I actually have very limited balance when it comes to being on ice, but there is something quite magical about the whole experience of being at an open air ice rink somewhere iconic. I haven't made any plans on this yet but hopefully it'll happen in either London, Brighton or Amsterdam. 

Christmas at Kew

I have wanted to go to Christmas at Kew for the past few years but I've never managed to secure tickets so this year I made a real conscious effort to get online and book our space for the opening evening. Confession time - I have already ticked this off my Winter bucket list! We had such a beautiful time there last week and it was really so much more than I was expecting. If you're looking to do something festive and fun in the city this December I can't recommend this enough.


I don't go to a Panto every Christmas but I certainly enjoy it when I do and in a bid to get out more this December I thought it would be fun to book up some tickets for a West End show. None of the big shows took my fancy but when I saw that Dick Whittington was on and there were still tickets close to Christmas it seemed like the perfect idea.  

Make A Vegan Christmas Cake

I am determined this year to make my very own vegan Christmas cake from scratch and I have already got the ball rolling on this with soaking my fruit in brandy a few weeks ago. I feel so organised this year with everything! Now I just need to get my bum into gear with the actual making of it as I'd ideally like it to spend a few weeks maturing before Christmas Day.  

Northern Lights Hunting

Searching for the Northern Lights has become somewhat of an obsession of mine over the past few years. I first tried in Iceland in 2008 and was unlucky. Andy and I then went to Lapland in February of this year and we were unlucky again. I really hope it will be a case of third time lucky in 2018 as we're off to Norway on a Winter break primarily in search of the Northern Lights. Surely this will be our year!? 

Lumiere London 

Lumiere London is one of those events which comes and goes each year and each and every year I kick myself for not making the trip into London to look at the installations. Well let me tell you that in my new 2018 planner Lumiere London is firmly pencilled in between 18th - 21st January and that's a plan that I won't be missing! 

What's on your winter bucket list!? 



  1. I'd love to visit Brighton in the winter, I've only ever been in the summer but I imagine it'd be so cosy and Christmassy! xx

  2. Wow - sounds like you've had an incredible Winter! Seeing the Northern Lights is a lifelong ambition/goal of mine, it's just beautiful phenomena.

    I visiting Brighton for the first time recently too - it's so pretty there!

    Laura ¦ www.laurahasablog.co.uk

  3. Wow - sounds like you've had a pretty incredible winter!

    Laura ¦ www.laurahasablog.co.uk

  4. Every year I'm like "Let's go ice skating" and then noone wants to join and every year I feel I've missed out but I'm also so scared to try!


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