Wednesday, 19 April 2017

The Vegan Kind - #TVK42

It's that time of the month again when I share with you all a peek inside the latest Vegan Kind box #TVK42! This box turned up just before the Easter weekend and I was so happy because it included a very special vegan Easter treat. 

Inside The Box

Ten Acre crisps are renowned for being some of the best vegan friendly crisps around and whenever they appear in any of these boxes I am always so happy. This 'When Bombay Got Spicy' flavour was completely new to me and it didn't disappoint! If you enjoy curry flavours then you'll love these crisps. I really couldn't get enough of them and the only let down was that there wasn't more to scoff! 

Another totally new snack to me were these Salted Caramel Coconut Pecks which work really well as a healthy snack in-between meals or as a topping on your smoothie bowl or porridge. They're raw, really crunchy and, as their name would suggest, sweet and salty! If you like coconut then these will be a sure fire hit with you. 

I was so pleased to find these Hemp Heart Seeds inside this box as i've been needing to buy some protein packed seeds for a while now. These arrived just at the right time! I personally love to add these seeds into my fruit smoothie to make them more balanced with some added protein and fibre. They are however pretty versatile and can be snacked on just as they are, or you can use them in baking or as a topping. What's not to love!?

I was first introduced to the Human + Kind brand through the TVK boxes a couple of years ago and they were an instant hit with me. I absolutely love the design of their packaging and their products always smell incredible. I've been a huge fan of their hand creams in the past and I was really excited to find this hair conditioner in the box as i've never tried their haircare products before. I've actually been using this conditioner on my hair every day since it arrived and its worked a treat! I love the citrus scent of this product and that it's not a really heavy conditioner. It's also great to see full size products in this box which make it such amazing value for money.  

I've said it before but I am not a huge fan of milk type drinks and I never have been, even back in my dairy days I wasn't keen. However, I am sure that if you do enjoy milky drinks then you'll really like these handy little bottles from Rebel Kitchen which would be great to carry around with you on the go or inside lunch boxes. This chai 'Mylk' drink smelt lightly spicy and really reminded me of Autumn time. It's great to see this brand coming up with new and inventive flavours! 

Ok so I may have saved the best until last.....This vegan cream egg by Considerit Chocolate was a real highlight of this box and I can tell you now that it didn't last very long! I love it when subscription boxes like this are conscious of the time of year and add in some extra special seasonal treats. I was quite amazed by just how good this cream egg was and how they have achieved such a similar creation to a Cadbury's cream egg. I saw so many comments over Easter about how vegans can't enjoy a cream eggs and this was the ultimate comeback for those sceptics! Anything anyone else can enjoy we can enjoy vegan and the choices available to us are just getting better and better. 

All in all I was really impressed with this box and particularly the value for money. A TVK box costs £13.15 including postage and packaging and the contents of this box are worth a combined total of £17.22. 10p from every box is also donated to a different featured animal charity or campaign each month which means that by signing up to receive a TVK box you are also helping a worthy cause. 

I'm already excited to see what arrives in next months box!   

Don't forget - you can also watch one of my live TVK unboxing videos here!  
* This box was sent to me for review purposes. 
All views and opinions expressed within the post are my own. 

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