Tuesday, 23 February 2016

My 10 Fave Instagramers Of The Moment

Instagram has so quickly become my favourite social media platform.

I can't believe that less than 2 years ago I purely saw Instagram as a tool for editing photos which I wanted to share elsewhere. Once I actually paid it more attention I soon realised what a positive space it is for interacting with other likeminded souls. It's been an extremely useful tool for connecting me to people and growing my blog following. I've also made some actual real life friends from the app which is something that no other social media platform can boast for me! 

It's also made me quite a lot poorer. I so often see my latest must have finds on Instagram and I can't believe I never knew what a great space it is for window shopping. I've been known to lose hours browsing different accounts and I have to say that it gets very addictive which has maybe impacted negatively on my productivity levels in other areas of my life!     

I thought it would be nice to share with you my 10 fave Instagramers of the moment. These are Instagram accounts where I genuinely look forward to their next post and they regularly bring a smile to my face. They also inspire me to take better photographs and share snippets of my life that I may have otherwise felt were a bit dull! They make the ordinary extraordinary and they motivate me to live life to its fullest. 

Milly is actually someone I first had the pleasure of meeting virtually on Twitter and during the regular #cfbloggers chat (cruelty free bloggers, Thursdays 8-9pm ). She is also vegan and living a cruelty free lifestyle so we have quite a lot in common. Her Instagram posts are so beautiful, creative and thought provoking. She's an extremely talented blogger, artist and photographer and someone I really hope I get to meet in person one day. 

Toni is someone i've recently started to follow and I really love her Instagram feed which is just bursting with colour, cuteness and her adorable pet pugs. She's a full time blogger and illustrator and, just like me, she believes animals are our friends and not food. Toni has recently started to venture into Veganism so it's been great to be able to offer her some tips and advice. She's someone who inspires me to live more colourfully, take myself less seriously and generally have more fun in life!

Lily's Instagram account is full of pastel colours, kitsch cuteness and cats. A fellow blogger and crazy cat lady, she's someone who, despite not knowing personally, I have become incredibly fond of this year. Her illustrations are so adorable and she's definitely someone who I would class as being cool! Lily is a cancer survivor and she regularly reminds me not to take life for granted and enjoy every moment. 

I love everything about the Lucky Dip Club so it's no surprise that they've made their way onto this list! I first became aware of what the LDC was through Instagram and for that I am forever grateful. As with everything they do, their Instagram feed is just an exploding party popper full of colour, glitter and surprise. Every LDC post is dreamy and lust worthy and they frequently make me think the words "life goals" to myself. LDC creator Leona is the ultimate mega babe GIRL BOSS. 

For me this is one of those Instagram accounts I follow which just so happens to bare no real relevance to my life or lifestyle choices, but they're just oh so stylish and hip that I couldn't care a less! It's essentially a fashion and lifestyle blog created by Louise Redknapp and her friend Emma Thatcher and it was in fact one of the first blogs which I ever paid attention to. I'm a big fan of their general style, hair and makeup and I feel like they keep me in touch with everything that's happening outside of the bubble which I live in. 

Fellow vegan and cruelty free blogger Gemima from the Lovely Witches blog is, as her name would suggest, just generally lovely (not that I personally know her but you know sometimes you just get a vibe for someone!?). Her Instagram account is what I aspire my own to be like with it's appealing theme of bright, clean and simply beautifully photographed images. I wish I had the patience and dedication for an account like this of my own. Gemima has definitely made me think more about the composition of my own images and my blog photography in general. 

Now here's someone who I have been fortunate enough to meet in person and she is 100% as lovely as her Instagram account suggests! Not only is Claire a blogger but she is also a crafter, maker, writer and hostess of craft parties. I'm pretty sure she's one the hardest working people I know as she somehow manages all of this alongside a day job. I love Claire's Instagram feed because she's super creative, she knows how to take excellent photos and she always brings my attention to stationery which I can't live without! She's so inventive and regularly inspires me to get my craft on. As if all of that wasn't enough, Claire is also my pen pal and that's all because Instagram bought us together! Yay!

Kate is what I like to refer to as a 'big blogger'. By that I mean she's quite big time. Not celebrity Zoella status big time, but still big in the sense that she has over 150k insta followers and nearly 200k Blog Lovin followers. A little while ago I noticed her name on a list of Instagram accounts to follow and as soon as I saw her photos I knew exactly why. She kind of epitomises a look that most bloggers try to achieve. It might be a slightly cliché look but it's still one thats appealing to the eye. She may not be to everyones taste and certainly with respect to cruelty free living I have very little in common with her. That being said, I really love her photography, style and her home looks simply beautiful.

If you're not already following this guy I urge you to immediately! He's basically living my life dream. Owner of 9 dogs, a pig, a rabbit, chickens and ducks, Steve offers his rescue pets an immense amount of love and a dream home to live in. Whenever Steve posts a new photo it's guaranteed to warm your heart and make you smile. I wish I knew him in real life because i'm pretty sure we'd be the best of friends. One day in the not to distant future I will be a female English version of Steve, you wait and see! 

If there's a food account to make my mouth water it would have to be Kerry's. Her Instagram feed is jaw droopingly good and I really think it shows off the very best of healthy plant based living. Like me she is a fellow avocado addict and unlike me she's pretty amazing in the kitchen! She really inspires me to add more colours to my plate and lead a healthier vegan lifestyle. I'm pretty sure she's destined to become the next Deliciously Ella.

Who do you love to follow on Instagram? Any guilty pleasure accounts!? Who inspires you to take better photos? I'd love to hear some of your own recommendations on who to follow!      


  1. Aaah you are SO kind! Thank you for including me in this amazing list!! My absolute favourite account is @chiliphilly he is a crochet legend. You will know what I mean when you see it. I also love @katgoldin and @studiodiy.

  2. Thank you so much Sarah for including me and your kind words! This has really made my day and I'm so happy I can make you smile too :) I love seeing pics of your cats and dogs on Insta and all the snippets of your vegan life!

  3. Oh, so many new accounts I'll have to check out! Definitely have to follow Steve, he's 100% living the dream! :D

    - Anne | annesmiles


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