Sunday, 3 May 2015

Top Vegan Fashion Picks

Matt & Nat have been on my wish list for such a long time now and this month I was fortunate enough to finally purchase the 'Triplet' purse i've had my eye on!

If you didn't already know, Matt & Nat are committed to not using leather or any animal based materials so they are completely Vegan friendly which is awesome as all of their products are beautiful!

Having been a Mulberry lover in a past life, I have been over the moon to discover Matt & Nat as the quality of their products are, in my opinion, on par with a high end brand just like Mulberry. But what they don't have in common is the exploitation of our animals! 

I would also like to encourage you all to take a read of their about us - The Brand - section of their website as it really is an impressive insight into their story and ideas around ethics and sustainability. The fact that they clearly care so much about the welfare of our planet and animals already makes me a huge fan of their work. 

The linings of Matt & Nat products are made out of 100% recycled plastic bottles which is just amazing! Vegan leathers are also used within their production including Polyurethane (PU) & Polyvinylchloride (PVC). 

When touching a Matt & Nat product and examining their texture you would initially probably be surprised to learn that it isn't leather as they feel so similar. The texture and weight of this purse is almost identical to that of my previous Mulberry purse but it's a fraction of the price and no animal has suffered for its creation.

I decided to buy the Triplet purse because I love to be able to carry more than just money in my purse and this appeared to be the perfect solution for me. With three large sections it has a space for your bank cards & cash, your mobile phone and even some make up! Sometimes I don't always want to carry a bag around with me so I love the fact that I can keep all my must have essentials in one handy purse. 

Matt & Nat products come in a variety of attractive colours and it was really tough deciding on what one to go with! But having seen some of their products on display in the Oxford Circus TopShop I knew that 'Champagne' was the right choice for me. As alluring as some of the brighter colours are like 'Citrus' and 'Poppy', I wanted something that I knew would go with everything but I didn't want to just choose black like I usually do!

Other Matt & Nat items on my wish list are the 'Baxter' bag which would be the perfect accompaniment to this purse, and the 'Daisy' clutch which would be perfect for nights out.

I first became aware of 'For The Love Of Animals Apparel' when I came across their Instagram page and I instantly loved the bold statements that they are making through fashion. I also fall for anything that's aimed at animal lovers and animal rights. 

I think it's fair to say that I use the #CrueltyFree hashtag a lot so this jumper in particular seemed rather fitting for me! It also really sums up my life right now as I am someone who is completely cruelty free and I like to promote it at any opportunity! 

This jumper is made from a natural fleece alternative and all of the materials used to make FTLA's clothing line are all eco friendly which is great to know! Brand owner, Kim, also hand silkscreen's all of the designs herself. Kim offers excellent customer service and if you see a design that you like but can't locate it on your preferred choice of sweater then just drop her an email and I am sure she will make it happen for you. 

When my sweatshirt was delivered to me all the way from the US I was more than happy with the quality of it. To touch it feels amazingly soft and it's extremely comfortable to wear. The inside fleece lining is so comfy and will definitely keep me warm on a chilly day! If you're going to make a purchase I would definitely recommend getting a size up from your usual size as they are designed to be worn loose and slouchy.

A portion of FTLA's sales is donated to animal welfare organisations such as The Beagle Freedom Project and various animal rescue shelters so it's great to know that by making a purchase you're also supporting a very worthy cause. 

My motto in life lately is to be kind at every opportunity and live compassionately especially towards those less fortunate and those that maybe don't have a voice or a choice like animals. Since journeying into a new Vegan lifestyle kindness is now at the core of my beliefs.

Thanks again to Instagram, I randomly came across the Oh No Rachio page and became aware of this awesome bag! I think all of the people who I follow on Instagram must have pretty cool tastes as it's only through images that they have liked that I have been able to stumble across such pretty things! I think it's fair to say that Instagram is the reason I am a little poorer this year! I had never before really considered it to be such an amazing tool for internet shopping. 

Designed and hand illustrated by London born designer-maker Rachel Basinger, the Be Kind shopper is made from certified organic cotton and is hand printed in the UK. I absolutely love to support small independent businesses where I can and when you can find unique and quirky accessories like this it makes it all the more worthwhile! More and more I am moving away from high street fashion brands and investing in small businesses like Oh No Rachio. 

If you have a little time on your hands I recommend browsing Rachel's online shop but beware - your purse will probably be a lot lighter after! 

TeenVGN is a social network and support group for compassionate young people aged between 12 - 19 who are Vegetarian, Vegan and leading a cruelty free lifestyle. 

Ok so being 32 years old I don't quite fit the age bracket to sign up and become a member of this organisation, however that doesn't mean that I can't buy things from their online shop!

I've seen TeenVGN at the last VegFest events that I have been to but I have kind of overlooked them purely because of my age. However, I recently saw someone similar to my own age wearing one of their vest tops and it struck me that they actually sell some pretty cool clothing.

This 'You Can't Love Animals & Eat Them Too' vest top really struck a chord with me when I saw it as this sentence is really the basis of why I went veggie, and eventually Vegan, in the first place. Being a huge animal lover I used to feel like a hypocrite eating meat as I knew inside that if it ever came to it I could never hurt or kill an animal myself. 

Anyway I hope you have enjoyed this selection of some of my favourite Vegan fashion items of the moment and I hope you feel inspired to try and spread the message of compassionate living through your own fashion choices.

Sarah x 


  1. I've had my eye on Matt & Nat for ages now but am yet to buy anything, after reading your review though I'm not trawling their website haha. That purse looks lovely, and it's great to hear that it's such great quality, thanks for the recommendation.

    The Vegan Taff | Cruelty-free beauty and lifestyle

  2. Thank you Sarah! What a lovely and much appreciated review of my FTLA Apparel! 😘


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