I feel as though I am possibly one of the only people who never made rice crispy cakes as a child and, despite them being ridiculously easy, i've never made them in adulthood either. They are however a little treat that I really love when someone else presents me with one! So last weekend I decided the time had come to try and make my own Vegan version.
I did a little reading up on Google and pretty soon I got the general gist of things and I really was amazed by how little ingredients I needed and how quick and easy these cakes are to make.
Here's what you'll need:
100g of Vegan chocolate
50g of Vegan butter
3 tbsp of golden syrup
100g of rice crispy / rice puff cereal
(avoid any with vitamin D which isn't Vegan friendly)
(avoid any with vitamin D which isn't Vegan friendly)
Cupcake cases
Step 1
Add the chocolate, butter and golden syrup to a bowl and melt in short bursts in the microwave, taking out and stirring until you have a good melted down consistency.
Step 2
Mix the rice crispies into the chocolate mix and spoon into cupcake cakes.
Step 3
Refrigerate until set.
Step 4
Try not to eat all the cakes!
It really is as simple as that. And I have to say that these really did taste moreishly good! I increased my quantities a bit as I was making a batch to take to a gathering of friends and I think these kind of quick and easy 'no bakes' are perfect for those occasions where you're getting together with people and need a Vegan friendly treat to hand. Enjoy!
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