Tuesday, 20 November 2018

My Festive To Do List

It's getting to that time of the year when I can start to feel my to do lists peaking and I seem to have about five or six different ones on the go! Christmas and December are notoriously busy months for a lot of people, myself included, and particularly if you're hosting Christmas dinner or festive parties too. The lead up to the big day can feel pretty stressful, especially if you're unorganised or lacking in time. I'm quite lucky in that I'm a naturally organised person but even I can feel the pressure building and my to do lists become my little saviours.

I'm really enjoying reading festive content lately and it's definitely getting me in the mood for Christmas so I thought it would be fun to share some of my Christmas 'to do's' with all of you. You never know, it may even remind you to do something or even inspire you in some way!  

Finish my Christmas shopping. I'm actually pretty on top of things in this department but still have a few presents to buy. I generally like to get it out of the way before December so that I can feel more relaxed and avoid the crazy busy shopping period.  

Go ice skating. I'm probably the words worst ice skater but I love to visit an outdoor rink near Christmas as it always feels so incredibly festive and fun, even if I do end up on my bum! 

Make a batch of homemade mince pies and share the recipe on my blog. I don't think you can beat homemade mince pies! 

Go to a Christmas market. This is a real favourite thing to do during the lead up to Christmas for me and I have already pencilled a few local markets in my diary. It's also nice for picking up any little last minute stocking fillers.  

Buy a Christmas tree. This year we're going to a Christmas tree farm where you can chop down your own tree which I'm so looking forward to. But I don't want to put it up too early this year as last year we peaked too soon and our tree looked wilted by Christmas which was so disappointing.

Go to see London's Christmas lights. It's got to be done! It wouldn't be Christmas for me without a trip to the West End.

Send out Christmas cards. I always find this a little tedious but I love receiving Christmas cards so it's not a tradition I am willing to let go of just yet! 

Wrap all of the presents. I usually save this until the week before Christmas as it makes me feel so festive and Christmassy! Plus, if I wrap them too early I will no doubt forget what I've bought people.

Make up the Christmas Eve boxes. I get so excited about these! It's become a new tradition in our house and it's something we all really look forward to on Christmas Eve.

Go to Christmas at Kew. We absolutely loved this last year and I'm so happy we've booked it up again for this year. If you haven't been before I'd really recommend checking it out. 

Order the food shop. I always actually find this quite stressful in ensuring I've remembered everything. But I like to order the bulk of it online and then I only need to hit the supermarket for last minute fresh things or anything I've forgotten. It's also important to remember to get in early so that you get the delivery date you want!

Buy a veg box. The last two Christmas's we have bought an organic veg box opposed to getting our veg from the supermarket. I think it just makes the food feel a little more special and when you're vegetarian and vegan there's a lot more emphasis on the veggies being excellent.

Organise my 2019 diary. I blooming well love a new diary for the start of a fresh new year! I haven't  quite decided if I'm going to bujo my way into next year or go for a more conventional diary setup.

Think about my goals for 2019. I'm always quite reflective throughout December and it's a time when I like to start making some notes of what I'd like to achieve in the year ahead. I find the start of a new year so motivating!

Organise our Iceland itinerary. Yep, we're off on another snowy adventure at the end of January to Iceland! I can't wait to re-vist this country and for Andy to experience it for the first time. Hopefully we may catch the Northern Lights again too! 

What's on your festive to do lists!?? 


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